Since 1993, Corrections Software Solutions has been in the Corrections/Community Supervision market. We offer product lines that service only the corrections/supervision industry allowing our program developers, trainers and help desk to focus on one product line. We are not selling our case management application, yet we are providing an ongoing service to your department to ensure latest technology and relevant reporting needs are met while still maintaining a user-friendly application. Our customer retention proves we are dedicated to the product we provide and the customers we service.
We have provided outstanding product lines and support year after year which is reflected in our annual survey results and customer retention. The verbal recognition we receive from our customers either through referrals or when we see them in the field provides confirmation that our work and dedication to the application is valued. We are happy to have 370 departments serviced and 7,000 users touching our application daily.
The mission of Corrections Software Solutions is to automate and provide the departments we serve with tools to improve efficiency, employee morale, client success and administration effectiveness through eliminating repetitive processes and improving operations. Providing superior customer service to existing clients while developing new market relationships allows us to build business diversity and stay on top as an industry leader.